Arrival / Map

Address: Zügstrasse 4, 6390 Engelberg (Apartment 17)

By car you drive on the A2 (Basel-Gotthard) to Stans Süd, then on the main road 20 km to Engelberg. Engelberg is about 30 minutes by car from Lucerne and about 1 hour and 15 minutes from Basel, Zurich or Bern.

By train (Zentralbahn) from Lucerne you reach Engelberg in 43 minutes through varied landscapes and canyons. Travelling by ship is also attractive: from Lucerne by ship to Beckenried and from there by public bus and train to Engelberg.

Please refer to the respective timetable ship / train / free shuttle-bus
Having arrived in Engelberg you can get to the apartment in winter time by shuttle-bus (line 304, free of charge), bus stop Zügstrasse.